Council formally approves creation of 7-member working group and a redraft of the whole Local Plan, with another "Regulation 18" consultation period in early 2024. No specific changes announced yet, other than removal of City Centre zoning/circulation plan.
People who live, work or study in Canterbury are being encouraged to sign a petition asking the City Council to made a "Biodiversity Emergency Declaration". The petition emphasises how many species in Kent are at threat of extinction, the poor state of river and groundwater supplies, similar poor condition of many of the county's SSSIs and the risk of habitats being fragmented through development. 420 people had signed the petition by 28 June, and it has now passed the 1,000 signatures needed for a debate at a council meeting.
Chris Katkowski KC, a barrister with huge experience of local plan "Examinations in Public", spoke and answered questions during a recent Community Planning Alliance event.
The government has approved lorries that can be up to 2.05 metres longer than existing vehicles. The aim is reduce the overall number of trips, but there are concerns about safety and damage to road surfaces.
"KCC Highways, where possible, are not now looking to amend the network to accommodate more cars. … instead, they are looking to see how people could travel more sustainably from new sites and asking developers to provide the infrastructure" … “The hope is in future it will be more inviting and easier to walk and cycle short trips than to use the private car and public transport will be more accessible with reliable journey times". On council planning decisions: "The only realistic chance of an appeal being upheld on highway grounds is if highway safety is directly compromised and this has to be robustly evidenced.”
The series lasts three weeks and will be based at RSPB Arne in Dorset.
Caroline Lucas says the UK is "one of the most nature depleted countries in the world" as MPs ask the government to give the public greater legal rights to enjoy and experience nature.
Includes quotes from the party leaders, including Clare Turnbull of the Greens.
A story on how only 1 in 10 council planning departments are fully staffed. Pay cannot match the private sector and councils often rely on agency workers. At time of writing, CCC are advertising for a planning officer with a salary of £30,188 and an offer to study for a planning degree at the University of Kent.
Labour / Lib Dem coalition. Leader: Alan Baldock (Lab), Deputy: Michael Dixey (LD). Mike Sole (LD) cabinet member for finance. New Adisham district councillor Lee Castle (LD) on multiple committees.